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Archive: Clemson Visualization Lab

Read news clips featuring Prof. Wole’s achievements at the Clemson Visualization Lab.

  • November 2017 – Find out more about the Immersive space, a student-run VR club initiative started by our group.
  • January 2017 – Our publication (VizSpace: Interaction in the Positive Parallax Screen Plane) has been accepted as a poster at IEEE 3DUI 2017 conference.
  • June 2016 – Clemson Visualization Lab featured in ACM Interactions magazine.
  • June 2016 – Clemson Visualization article featured on Clemson News.
  • April 2016 – Clemson Visualization awarded the Adobe Digital Marketing Research Awards.
  • April 2016 – Clemson Visualization article featured in Glimpse magazine.
  • April 2016 – UPIC Intern, Joseph James featured in UPIC newsletter.
  • The Center of Excellence in Next Generation Computing and Creativity (Visualization Division) had a booth at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2016 Conference in Greenville SC from 19 – 23 March 2016 – Greenville News article.
  • We had several visualization presentations and demos at the Clemson university booth 1747, SuperComputing 2015 conference in Austin Texas from 15 – 20 Nov 2015.
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