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Category Archives: Visualization Portfolio

Visualization of the food consumed during COVID

Visualization of the food consumed during COVID by Paul Grant, CUNY Hunter College

Water Quality Data

Visualization of water quality data set, provided by Pickens County SC.


3D visualization of blood flow streamlines in cerebral aneurysm by combining advanced scientific visualization (ParaView) and high performance computing techniques


Large-scale molecular visualization of 1HTQ protein by using VMD and high-throughput GPU rendering.



High performance computing is combined with advanced CUDA programming techniques to create velocity streamlines around a delta wing!



3D interactive visualization of drug diffusion simulation in the intracranial arteries using VisIt application


Blood flow streamlines in the internal cartoid artery

Blood flow streamlines in the internal cartoid artery (ICA) with a lateral aneurysm. Visualization is done by using ParaView.

Endovascular effect on blood flow in cerebral aneurysm

Endovascular effect on the blood flow pattern in intracranial aneurysm (internal cartoid artery).


Visualization of REU Applications

Visualization of the number of applicants for the REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) 2017 at Clemson University

Visualization using Gephi

This image demonstrating a visualization of US airline data set with an embedded regional map using Gephi was created for training sessions hosted by Clemson CCIT Visualization Lab. The color as well as the size of circles indicating airports were intentionally designed to depict the importance of an airport.


Hunter College
City University of New York
695 Park Ave
New York, NY 10065

Telephone: +1 (212) 396-6837
Email: oo700 at hunter dot cuny dot edu

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